
USUK Bad Day -APH Ch.1

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A loud knock sounded behind Arthur, waking him from his homework.

Arthur turned in his chair. "What do you want?" He asked, his jaw sore from hours before where his middle brother gave him a good left hook that rocked his world, large bruise already appearing. Sam stood in the doorway, his wavy, red hair in a million directions and his green eyes glaring at his brother.

"Don't talk to your elders like that, boy." Sam, the oldest, scolded from his spot.

"Okay, what the bloody fuck do you want, oh, so wonderful Sam?" Arthur asked sarcasm lacing the words completely, closing his eyes when he could feel a familiar headache coming on.

Sam scowled. "Ya brat, here. Do this for me." He barked, throwing a pile of papers to the smaller blonde. "It's my homework, due tomorrow morning. Might wanna hurry." Arthur's jaw dropped, it was already eleven! How was this going to work?!

Arthur went to argue with him only to be cut off. "Don't you dare say no." Sam took a small step into the room. "If it's not done, who knows what might happen? Maybe your room will be trashed. Maybe your school uniform will be ripped into pieces. Or, maybe the school will learn about you, the school council pres, was once a crazy punk. Stealing, drugs, booze, fights, the whole package."

Arthur shook with anger. "Fine, just fuck off." Arthur retrieved the homework and got to work on his and his douche of a brother's physics. The next time Arthur looked to the clock it was 3:37. Arthur's eyes widened, he has to be up in two and a half hours!! For bloody fuck sakes! Arthur raced through the rest of his homework. He hated his brothers, they work him like a fucking slave. No other term for it. Their parents were always out of town, working, partying, whatever they do rather then raise their kids, they're rich. What do they are. They sent the boys some money every week and that's it. It was 4:12 when he finally collapsed onto his bed. Well, at least he'll get some sleep tonight.

Arthur cracked his eyes open just a few hours later. He flipped over to look at the clock agai- FUCK! It was already 6:14! The bus leaves in fifteen minutes! Arthur jumped from his bed, and ran his skinny ass to the bathroom. But, surprise, surprise! It's locked.

"Hey, let me in!" He shouted through the door. God, he was sick of his brothers!

"No." A high pitched voice replied, Arthur could just slap the kid.

"Peter! Christ, at least give me my bloody toothbrush!" Arthur demanded, he couldn't do this anymore. It was like this all the time. At least his oldest brother is leaving soon, college is actually an option for the bastard. Who knew?

"Mm-kay, Jerk!" Before Arthur even knew what happened, a blue toothbrush was thrown into his face, only to be followed by a tube of toothpaste. Arthur sighed, he shouldn't even be shocked. It was the norm for him.

Arthur quickly dressed himself into his school uniform, it was a tad bit wrinkled, but who was going to notice? After that Arthur ran to the kitchen sink and brushed his teeth, wasn't the first time he's done it there. He slapped the homework onto the table for his brother, annoying little shit that he was, to take it and get marks he never worked for.

The sprint to the bus was brutal, he was the student council president, so, of course, he cant be late. He didn't even notice when he ran into some older woman, muttering a sorry, he continued to race down the road. The bus was just about to leave as he threw himself against the door, making himself known.

"You're late, Kirkland." A smooth, french accent spoke as he took his usual spot near the back.

"Shut up, Frog." Arthur spat, Francis Bonnefoy had no life. He spent his entire morning primping his long wavy blonde hair and making his uniform look even better then they should. It wouldn't shock Arthur if he even used makeup, too. The goddamn princess...

"Ah, but you look like, for a lack of better work, shit. What has happened, Mon petite? " Arthur was kind of thrown off, Francis was never nice to him, he even heard some concern in his words. He could feel a slight blush creeping it's way to his cheeks.

"N-nothing, don't worry about it." Arthur huffed, he wasn't used to having people ask him how he is.

"But I do. You have a large bruise on your cheek, Mon cher. It does not look good." The Frenchman lent over and gingerly poked it out of curiosity. Arthur had to suppress a yelp, he completely forgot about it! Damn it...

Francis raised a perfect, thin eyebrow. "I-I, um, well..." Arthur tried to explain, racking his brain for a believable lie. "I sorta fell down the stairs." He laughed nervously. "Peter left his skateboard out, bloody brat, huh?" Arthur hoped the other believed him, if he didn't it would only cause problems. He had to remember to be careful with Francis, despite the vile titles and names, they have known each other for many, many years. They have learned each others small quirks. How Arthur hates keeping his phone in his front pockets, so they remain in the back one. How Francis will always cease his perverted flirting when either Matthew, his metaphorical little brother, and Jeanne, his obvious crush of five years, walks into the room. They can spit insults, but, Arthur remembers, when Francis' mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer, he came to Arthur for some comfort. Everything was back to normal now, well, they both celebrated when his mother survived it all in the end.

"Alright..." Francis didn't seem convinced, but Arthur was grateful that he dropped the awkward subject. The ride to school was spent in an even more of an awkward silence. As they got off the bus then both make their way to the student council room. Arthur, being President, and Francis, being the vice, met Rose at the door and quickly jumped into the brief meeting. Arthur tried to ignore how Rose's eyes kept drifting to his cheek and the large purple and blue mark.

The rest of the morning continued smoothly, well, Arthur kind of fell asleep in his Physic's class. He later kicked himself for it, he needed to just get through his day and go home. Not that that's going to be much better, his brother's will be home...

Finally, at lunch, Arthur was enjoying a nice sandwich in the Student council room until a knock came from it. Arthur stared at Francis and Rose, people almost never need them at lunch. Arthur opened the door only to be met with an unhappy Sam. He quickly shut the door behind him and rounded the corner into an abandoned hallway.

"What now, Sam?" Arthur sighed, he did NOT want to deal with him right now, there was another meeting after school and he didn't want to be stressed out for it. Without warning, Sam slammed his fist into Arthur's stomach, earning a choked yelp. Arthur fell to the ground gasping, having knocked the wind out of him.

"That's for only getting me a C, you ungrateful little shit." Sam hissed, giving Arthur a kick to his side, knocking him to the ground. The older sneered and walked away, leaving his little brother a gasping mess in the hallway. Arthur gave himself a couple minutes, finally able to catch his breath.

He stood up, hand ghosting over his stomach. Okay, that was defiantly going to bruise. The he checked the pain in his side. Alright, nothing more that bruises. Arthur was actually grateful for that, on some occasions he has come out worse. A lot worse. He slowly made his way back to the office, he was relived that his uniform was at least covering his new injuries.

"Who was it, Arthur?" Rose asked, since she didn't see Sam, and re-tied one red bow her chocolate brown hair was held by.

"Just a first year who was lost, nothing big." Arthur lied calmly, his more rebellious days taught him how to lie like a pro. God, he missed those days. When he didn't go home every night, the parties, booze, girls, the wandering boy and he even dappled into some drugs. Nothing serious. But, lord, those were his true golden days. He had been able to stay far, far, FAR away from his idiotic family.

Lunch was finished quickly and the trio ran off to their next classes. Arthur made it to his Home EC class on time, and managed to stay awake... but there was one 'issue' with his oven, it kinda caught on fire. Arthur blames the out dated oven, nothing more.

After school the council members met up again, their meeting was brief due to the lack of events happening lately. Much to Arthur's distaste, he didn't want to return home. He gave a quick goodbye to the two and giving them each a prompt excuse for him staying later. They just nodded their heads and went to enjoy the rest of their day.

Arthur did anything to keep him occupied for the next three hours, before he knew it, it was six-thirty. Arthur was refiling the bookshelves when he heard someone outside the room. The loud voice was coming from close to the door and Arthur hoped, no, he prayed it wasn't one of his brothers. The voice quieted and door slowly creaked, Arthur was staring, wide eyed, and ready to jump for a quick hiding spot if need be.

"Hello?" An all to familiar voice called into the room. A moment later and the owners blonde head popped into the room. Alfred was looking around the  room; until his eyes caught a certain sandy blonde.

"Hey, Artie!" The American greeted happily, fully entering the room and walking up to Arthur.

"Hello, Alfred. What do you need?" Arthur asked, trying not to sound to flustered about Alfred's presence. It was a highly, well-kept secret that the Student council president has a mild... okay flaming, school girl crush on the self-proclaimed, god of sports. Arthur couldn't explain it, he just loved the way his features light up when he's overly happy, the boy is a giant puppy, and Arthur loved every bit of it.

To Arthur this is a childish unrequited love, but he can't stop loving the foolish American. And it's not just his boyish good looks and his happy atmosphere, Arthur enjoys hearing him boast about the silliest things he can come up with, he enjoyed the innocence the boy seemed to have radiating from him. Alfred could just be classified as a crush, but it goes so much deeper. It goes to a depth Arthur has seemed to forgotten after the 'loving' acts of his family. For Arthur to go unfazed in his life, he had to cut out the part of him that could ever admit love, compassion and true happiness. Sure, he can feel it. But he can't express it, show it, throw it at the American like he sooooo badly wants to.

Arthur was snapped out of his long trance by Alfred asking him a question.

"I'm sorry, what?" Arthur was blushing once he noticed he was caught spacing out. Alfred just laughed.

"I said; I'm dropping some shit off for the football team, what are you still doing here? Avoiding going home?" He playfully teased. Arthur just stood there and stared. His blush grew when he heard Alfred ask the last question.

"N-no! Why t-the bloody hell wouldn't I go ho-home!" He half-shouted, noticing how his eyes seem to be getting wetter and wetter by the second. There was an awkward, pregnant pause. Until Alfred came a tad bit closer, Arthur backed up at the tight proximity. No one ever asked him this. They all just thought Arthur was a miserable Brit all the time. To everyone seeing him never smile was just the norm. He couldn't help but notice Alfred's sky blue eyes sparkling against his tan skin and looking great with his sun streaked hair, from hours and hours of being outside.

"Arthur, why aren't you going home?" His eyes were full of sympathy for him, not pity. However, Arthur stood strong. Even if he was a million shades of red.

"What are you talking about, git?! There's nothing wrong!" Arthur tried to defend, and he sucked at it. Al took another step forward which caused Arthur to travel back again, though he didn't notice a stray book and ended up falling back. Alfred tried to catch him but just ended up falling on him in the process.

It ended with an elbow landing on the bruised, tender flesh of his thin stomach. Arthur didn't think he ever yelped so loudly in his life. The American quickly pulled himself up to his knees and stared down at the smaller. His eyes were closed, face scrunched up in pain and his one hand was holding his midsection.

"Artie? Artie! Are you okay?" Alfred started panicking. What if he broke a rib of something? His entire weight fell on him! He just freaked out more when Arthur let out a whimper and a single tear rolled down his cheek. Al didn't know what to do, he's never seen Arthur cry. He gently moved Arthur's hand and lifted his shirt to survey the damage. He wasn't met by a scrawny, meatless body like he imagined though, Arthur was lean, muscles hiding under his thin form, making him look(for a lack of better word) just dead sexy. What caught Al's attention though was the purple bruises decorating his side and stomach, even a couple scars. Al knew he wasn't the cause of these...

Alfred drew his eyes back up to the Brit's, expecting him to be blushing. Instead he was met with wide, pleading eyes.

"Arthu-" He began, only to be caught off.

"Please, forget this." Arthur begged, his voice sounding weak. The pain seemed to have ceased as he sat up and pulled his shirt back down again.

Alfred's eyes widened. Arthur and him weren't all that close, but he remembers, as children they were. He could recall trying to call him 'Big Brother', following him around all day long and they just had fun. But, one day Alfred just took a moment and realized he hated following Arthur like a dog, he did what he though was right and just left his life all together. Arthur was crushed when he lost him.

The American was younger than Arthur by a year, even if he was in the same grade. Al excelled in Physics, Biology, Calculus and Gym, almost all the necessary classes he needs to graduate, so they bumped him up a year to help him out. He wasn't well off like the others, his parents work like madmen to keep him and his twin brother in the wealthy academy. Despite everything that happened in the past, Alfred still loved Arthur.

There was one problem though, his love for Arthur grew into something more that just wanting him to be his 'Big Brother', he wanted Arthur to be much more. Alfred always watched Arthur, his downcast expression when he was bored, how serious he was when it came to the rules, his habit of 'misplacing' things, how he is know to be kinder to the younger students then his own grade, every little thing he loved.

Everything that made him Arthur.

And now, now that same loved person was looking so broken, pained and pitiful. He was begging for him to forget this, something Alfred could never do.

"No," he stated firmly, sounding more cold then he meant. Arthur visibly flinched at the tone. "What I mean is, I can't forget this Artie." Alfred was staring down at the small President, he looked so frail. And now that Al looked he could see the light marks on his neck, covered by his highly buttoned school shirt, he didn't even want to know of the others hidden under his clothing.

Arthur noticed the concerned look Alfred gave him. To him, this was all so foreign "W-why?" he asked. "It's just a burden." Arthur looked away. "Please, please. Just for me, do it for me." He begged, eyes closed. His strong pride lost in the process.

"Burden?" Alfred was shocked. "How can this be a burden to me?!" he shouted, yet again feeling bad when Arthur jumped, eyes opening but still avoided eye contact.

"What d-do you care?!?" Arthur shouted back, anger spreading through him. He glared at the younger boy. "Since when did you give a bloody fuck about my life?!" His body seemed to crumble and he slouched his shoulders. "I already lost you before, you a-arse!" It was meant to come out viciously, but instead it came out quiet, weak and seemed more sad then mad.

Alfred's face softened. "Arthur, I know you think I hate you," he reached forward, causing Arthur's eyes to widen. He grabbed the smaller, paler hand of the other in his own.

"I know you think I want nothing more than for you to be miserable, to never smile, to never be truly happy," he lifted the hand to his lips, kissing each knuckle. It's now or never, he told himself.

"But, to me, it's the total opposite, I want you to smile, laugh, enjoy everyday of your young life," he looked back up to Arthur, tears were threatening to over flow from him. His acid green eyes sparkled more in this moment then ever before.  

"But most of all I want you to love me, as much as I love you." His large hand gently pulled Arthur closer, his eyes wider then before. And Alfred just lifted his other hand and cupped his cheek, leaning forward and placing a sweet, chaste kiss on his thin, pale and petal soft lips. When he pulled away Arthur was as red as a tomato and was literally biting back his tears, teeth tearing into the side of his mouth. His hands went up to cover his mouth slowly and he just stared at Alfred in surprise.

Alfred looked down at the small, fragile Briton in front of him. His heart was beating so hard he thought it was going to burst from his chest. "Artie? Say something." Alfred pushed, he couldn't bare if Arthur didn't feel the same. He needed an answer. And soon.

Almost immediately, Arthur's face dropped into the saddest face Al had ever seen and before he knew it; the President had his arms wrapped around the American. Alfred smiled, he slowly wrapped his arms around the smaller.

"It's okay, Artie. I'm here, you can tell me what's going on. I can help." Alfred muttered softly to him. The Brit's shoulders began to tremble and Alfred could hear the quiet sobs coming from him; almost like when they were just small children, but now the positions were switched. Arthur, on the other hand, can't remember the last time he cried. It's been years...

Alfred just stayed there and held him, he held him so lovingly that Arthur didn't know what else to do but cry harder. The younger just rubbed his back and shushed him. Neither know just how long it was until Arthur stopped, but when he did he looked up and Alfred and gave him a watery smile, it wasn't as brilliant as Alfred would have liked, but it was still a smile.

"Feelin' better?" Alfred smiled his Hollywood grin. Arthur nodded, his messy head of hair throwing itself around.

"Then, can you tell me where you got these bruises and old scars?" His head tilted to one side in curiosity. A quick flash of hurt crossed Arthur's face, but he was surprisingly fast at composing himself.

"It's nothing to big," Arthur smiled, trying to look calm and collected. To Alfred's trained eye it looked false.

Alfred sighed. "Well, I'm not letting you go home." The smaller glared at him. "Just in case."

Arthur looked mad, even though he was glad he didn't have to go home. One less night with the Satin siblings. "F-fine, you bloody git!" He huffed and crossed his arms.

The American just laughed. Al grabbed Arthur and pulled him up to his feet. He quickly ran around, grabbing his belongings and following Alfred out of the room. On the walk to the front doors, Arthur finally spoke up.

"So," He tried to sound nonchalant, failing horribly. "what was with that k-kiss?" He shifted his messenger bag full of books again, god, why does he have so bloody many?!

He heard a small chuckle escape the larger. "You really are dense, dude!" He exclaimed loudly. When Arthur looked to him with a harsh glare, Alfred lent over and down to trap the Brit's mouth again. Arthur stopped walking and froze. When he realized Alfred wasn't joking this time, he relaxed against him.

Al could have cried from happiness the moment Arthur leaned into the kiss, instead though,  Alfred's hand went to the back of Arthur's neck in means to deepen the kiss. Arthur took the hint, opened his mouth and wrapped his arms around the American's shoulders. At that moment, Arthur knew he couldn't stop, he needed more of the man. They didn't have a war of the tongues, Arthur's need was so great he offered himself to Alfred, following his lead.

Arthur finally realized what he was doing when Alfred dropped his hands to the smaller boy's  waist and stop the kiss to catch his breath. Arthur looked up to him, eyes clouded over with his arousal, but Arthur knew better. "You can't mean this," he muttered, his cheeks flushed. "No one in their right minds can l-love me, Alfred." His voice faltered at the end, but he got it out.

"Do I really need to prove it to you?" Al asked, tugging the other closer to hold him. Arthur's head fit right under the American's chin. Arthur sighed, he has built so many walls around himself over the years.

"There's nothing to prove, Alfred." Arthur tried his hardest to not crack under the American, he has been hurt too much.

Alfred pulled Arthur back to look at him. Arthur can't remember ever seeing Al so serious before. "Yes, there is. And you're coming to my place and I will show you how loved you are!" He finished. The President flushed again.

"Wha-" The older boy was cut off.

"Arthur," Alfred's voice grew soft. "I want you to come home with me." He said, low and almost husky. "I want you to lose control." He looked down to the other. "I want you to scream my name." Al wasn't even fazed by how Arthur was squirming, his hard-on was getting worse. "I want you to come all over." Arthur let out a slight whimper. "Most of all, I want you to say you love me back."

Arthur gasped, his face a new shade of red. "A-alright, git!" He looked away, his manly pride being crushed. "Do it, you bloody idiot! Take me home and make a mess of me!" He hid his face in Alfred's chest. But that was counter productive when he pressed to close to Al and caused friction between their growing erections. Alfred gasped and Arthur let out a moan.

Alfred didn't hesitate, he grabbed Arthur's hand and ran them both to the front doors of the school. Luckily, no one stayed after this late and they met no one till they got to the doors, then they stopped. Outside, it was raining cats and dogs. It came down mercilessly. Arthur sighed in frustration but Alfred wasn't even bothered. He shrugged off his bomber jacket, draped it over Arthur's thin shoulders, re-twined their fingers and ran like a bitch home.
Well, I caught myself reading a lot of Hurt/comfort Fic's lately and so I whipped this up, there will be Smut next chapter so please, dont troll it ^^; It's my first try lol

And I only took a small break from Chibirisu so expect and update soon! Thanks for reading!

Hetalia Ain't mine!~
© 2011 - 2024 Inuchic95
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Lelatheawesome's avatar
"Scream my name" woo!